On April. 16, 2018 at 6:55 AM , Brent Sy <brent.sy@myldsmail.net> wrote:
Hello everyone! I'm at Taiwan woo-hoo! It's great to actually see people on the streets walking haha! Back in St. George we'd see only like 10 people a day on the streets. Biking is fun and hopefully no accidents will happen. Missionary work is crazy with a cellphone. Everything is at Chinese Characters. So much 看不懂!
We had stake conference yesterday and I did not understand every word they said but I definitely felt the Holy Ghost.
I invite everyone to continue to prayerfully read the Book of Mormon. Gain a testimony of each of the doctrines contained in the book. I know that the doctrines found in the book guides our way to salvation.
Personal Thoughts about my Mission President .
He's such a great Mission President. From the moment we had our interview, I knew that he had the desire to help the missionaries become strong. He had a talk in stake conference yesterday and it was so powerful.
He gave a talk about the missionaries. That the missionaries are willing to change. Willing to learn the language to be able to communicate with people and to show their love to them. Missionaries are willing to do anything to help to ward grow. But it's not only the missionaries job to do this. Every member needs to help. And then he connected it with ministering. Surely Heavenly Father is hastening his work by making us LOVE the people. We don't necessarily have to share the Gospel right away but as time goes they can see the Light of Christ in us and question us why there is something different in us. I know it sounds so easy but it's hard to do that's why we need the constant help from Heavenly Father by personal revelation. Meaningful prayers, asking Heavenly Father how I can be a help to this ward or stake, how can I show my love to this person. I know that work and school makes us forget these things but if we sacrifice a little time for Heavenly Father, we are contributing to his work. Also sacrificing some time to go to the temple is helping in his work.
With Elder Davis |